Scouts on Tuesdays!
Scouts meet at Back Creek Church.
We are meeting at our usual time of 7-8:30pm on Tuesdays. We are meeting inside the CE building for most meetings.
​Troop T-Shirts
Troop T-shirts available!!
Each Scout Should have 2!!
For sale Tuesday nights at Troop Meetings!
Short Sleeve T-shirts $12.50
Long Sleeve T-shirts $17.50
​Medical Forms
The BSA Medical form can downloaded by clicking here. We must have this form for your Scout to camp with Troop 49. Section "C" must be filled out for Summer Camp.
Online Payments
To make online payments for
Troop Recharter, Summer Camp,
monthly camping trips, please click on the Square image. A new web page will open for the online store where payments can be made by credit/debit card.
Troop 49 had a great time at Summer Camp in 2023!
Our Scouts had a lot of fun, make new friends, learned a lot of new things and earned a slew of new merit badges.
We will once again in 2024 be going during "Week 3" which will have us there during July 4th holiday.
Plant Sale Fundraiser
Troop 49, in conjunction with Back Creek Church Student Ministry are having a plant sale to benefit both groups!
Please click here to view the Google Form and make your selections.
There are mum's in an 8" pot, 2 and 3 gallon plants, and a hanging basket at various prices.
Please make sure to select "Boy Scouts" so the proceeds benefit the Troop!
Pick up will be at Back Creek Church on October 7th from 10am-1pm.
Congratulations to Barron McIlvain
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services April 2023 Monthly Newsletter featured recent Eagle Scout Barron McIlvain!
He was highlighted as the Volunteer of the Month!
Barron came out to the Toby Creek Big Spring Clean site and removed around 400 lbs of trash himself, including a front door!
They said they really appreciated that kind of dedication!