Join Scouts BSA with Troop 49:
Scouts BSA
ages 11 to 18 years old
Troop 49 is where your child would join if they are between 11-17 years old. Our Scouts BSA Troop has been around since 1968 at Back Creek Church. There is no finer Troop in Mecklenburg County Council than Troop 49.
Become a Scout Volunteer
18+ years old
Troop 49 is always looking for volunteers. It takes many people to make the Troop as successful as it is. Please reach out to us via email or stop by the office during our weekly meeting to see how you can help Troop 49.
Thank you for considering making a donation to Troop 49. You are helping to offset our expenses towards equipment and scholarships for Summer Camp for those who want to attend but are unable to do so and giving young people the chance to have fun, gain confidence and become leaders who exemplify the Scout's Oath and live by the Scout's Law.
Contact Us:
Please feel free to contact us for any reason. You may use the form on this page, or you may contact us via email. To reach our Scout Master Jeff Selk, please email jeffs@troop49.org
Troop 49
1821 Back Creek Church Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28213