Summer Camp 2023 - Summer Camp Information
It is that time of year again to start thinking about summer plans and we want to help you with some of your Boy Scout financial planning. The fee for summer camp this year is again $455.00 PLUS Merit Badge fees. We’re offering the same payment options like we have in years past. The first $115 payment is due February 7th, the additional payments are due the following months. You can also pay the full amount at one time if desired. This allows the Troop to identify the exact number of slots we need to reserve with camp registration.
The Troop must pay the Mecklenburg County Council office IN FULL for each boy by May 2, 2023 this includes all merit badge fees. There can be no refunds after the final payment date of May 2, 2023.
The Troop can and will work with families if there are any financial problems. The Council and Troop have “camperships” available, so please let one of the leaders know right away if you have any concerns, so we can work with you through the process. Also, payments can be made from your son’s Troop account if the points are available.
One method to help with the cost of Summer Camp is to participate in the Camp Card program. We have had several families pay for camp through this method. The Troop will start the Camp Card program soon. Each boy will be encouraged to sell at least 10 camp cards, but if your son will need more cards, please let us know as soon as possible.
If you would like to pay for Summer Camp via the Square Online Payment system, please click on the large Square icon on the home page of the Troop website at www.troop49.org. Merit Badge kit payments can also be purchased through the Square process this year.
Summer Camp merit badge sign-up is done online by the Troop and will begin in March. It is important for us to register for merit badges as early as possible to guarantee the merit badges your boy wants to take. The Troop always offers merit badge guidance for the less experienced boys so don’t worry about that.
BSA’s medical form will be required for each boy/adult leader attending camp. Please make arrangements to provide the completed medical form parts A, B and C by May 2nd. BSA’s medical form is now only good for one year. In case you don’t have a current medical form, here is a link to the new medical form https://www.mccscouting.org/camps.
Please return payments on the due dates with the appropriate payment slip below. Medical forms must be returned to the Troop.
If you have and questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact any of Troop 49 leaders.
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____ Square Payment
____ Cash
____ Troop scout account
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PAYMENT #3 $115 DUE April 4th
____ Square Payment
____ Cash
____ Troop scout account
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PAYMENT #2 $115 DUE March 7th
____ Square Payment
____ Cash
____ Troop scout account
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PAYMENT #1 $115 DUE February 7th
____ Square Payment
____ Cash
____ Troop scout account
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